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Get Container Logs

This page provides instructions on how to access logs for Appsmith containers deployed on different platforms.


  • Self-hosted Appsmith instance. If not installed yet, see the installation guides for installing Appsmith.

Get logs

Follow the instructions for your deployment platform to access and get logs.

Follow these steps to access logs for Appsmith containers running on Docker:

  1. Go to the stacks/logs/ directory on the Docker host where the Appsmith logs are located. If you’re unsure of the stacks directory location, run the following command to find it:

    docker inspect -f '{{ (index .Mounts 0).Source }}' <your-appsmith-container-id>
  2. The logs directory contains sub-directories for each service: appsmithctl, backend, cron, editor, mongodb, redis, rts. You can either copy the logs for each service manually or create a zip file containing the logs. To create a zip file:

    appsmithContainerID=<your appsmith container id>
    targetZipFile=<path to target zip file>
    service=<choose one of: appsmithctl backend cron editor mongodb redis rts | leave blank for all services>
    stacksPath=$(docker inspect -f '{{ (index .Mounts 0).Source }}' $appsmithContainerID)
    zip -r $targetZipFile "$stacksPath/logs/$service"